Saint Peter’s Church

The church of the town of Pleumeur-Bodou is dedicated to Saint Peter, the first bishop of Rome. The Pleumeur-Bodou "Grand Parish" (translation of Pleu-meur) originally once included, probably, a good part of the Pink Granite Coast: Trébeurben and Trégastel came from dismemberments during the early Middle Ages. A church existed from this time, but we do not know anything about the constructions before the eighteenth century.

At that time, important constructions were realized, of which it remains today some parts:

  • the sacristies;
  • part of the chapels of the Blessed Sacrament and Saint-Yves;
  • the windows of the apse and their stained glass windows;
  • and the stones of the arches and pillars.

However, from the early nineteenth century, the building was considered unsuitable for the reception of parishioners, and a new site was inaugurated in April 1844: the work (choir and nave) were conducted quickly, and the church was inaugurated in November of the same year!

It remains to endow the church with a steeple: the project was strongly contested because of its costly funding and justification as a bitter mark for sailors; despite the controversy, the construction started after 1870, and the bell tower finally achieved culminates at 37 meters height. It had been restored in 1923-1924, but the building will not know any more major evolution from this moment there.

The overall impression of power and harmony is evident in the beautiful proportions of the building and the choir.

It should be noted:

  • Christ on the cross of the choir, dating from the end of the 14th century and coming from the chapel of Saint Uzec;
  • The windows of the sixteenth century, in the apse;
  • The pulpit to preach, of the seventeenth century. ;
  • The statue of Saint John-Baptist;
  • Outside, the "Ecotee Cross", classified as a Historical Monument.

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